After Breakfast Activation K-3338

I enjoy activating and chasing parks, historical sites, etc as part of Parks on The Air (POTA) program and planned an activation of Island Mound State Historical Site after the club breakfast. After breakfast James (No call yet), Randy (K0VWL) and Lee (K0LW) joined the fun at the site.

Randy was able to make his first HF contacts and James listened in. Over a 90 minute period 104 contacts we made on 20m and 40m phone.

(Thanks to Randy for taking pics)

Map of stations worked (
One DX station on 20m
Flag on the left is stiff, strong steady wind.
Working the pileups
Folding table worked out well
Lee (K0LW) looking in.

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2 Responses

  1. Kevin Wilson says:

    That’s awesome

  2. Joseph says:

    Great activation.
    Thanks for the photos.
    Joseph w4nra