




The Southside Amateur Radio Club, Inc., (SSARC), is a not-for-profit organization, formed to promote the established goals of amateur radio, provide a forum for the interaction of amateur radio operators, and explore the many facets of modern amateur radio.



Eligibility: Any person with a sincere interest in amateur radio may become a Member of the Southside Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Discrimination: The Southside Amateur Radio Club, Inc. shall not deny privileges of membership or participation in events or otherwise discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or on the basis of disability or age.

Dues: Club membership dues are due in January of each year. New Members joining the Club after the first month of the year will have their dues prorated at 1/12 (one-twelfth) of the annual dues times the number of months remaining in the year. Members renewing their Club membership at any time during the year must pay the yearly membership fee.


Regular Member: A Regular Member is a licensed amateur radio operator who is a dues paid Member in good standing. Regular Members are entitled to full voting privileges, receipt of the Club newsletter and other publications, participation in all Club activities, use of Club radios and test equipment, and access to repeater user codes.

Family Members: A Family Member is a licensed amateur radio operator who lives in the household of a Regular Member and is a spouse or child of that Member. Family Members are entitled to participate in all Club activities, use of Club radios and test equipment, and access to repeater user codes. If a Family Member would like voting privileges, they must pay an additional fee per family, per year, not to be prorated. A Family Membership is only valid with the paid dues of a Regular Member.

Associate Member: An Associate Member is a dues paid Member in good standing who does not hold an amateur radio license. Associate Members are entitled to full voting privileges, receipt of the Club newsletter and other publications, and participation in all Club activities. An Associate Member may not operate a Club radio or use a Club repeater unless a licensed amateur radio operator is present at the point of communications and is serving as a control operator.


Board of Directors

Club Officers: The business and activities of the Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Club officers, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Repeater Trustee for each repeater the Club sponsors. The officers shall be elected at the December Club meeting every year to serve for a term of one calendar year. Nominations for Club officers shall be offered at the November and December Club meetings. All members of the Board of Directors must be dues paid Members in good standing. The responsibilities of each officer include but are not limited to the following:

President: Attend regularly scheduled Club meetings. Make every reasonable effort to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors. Serve as the Club’s principal executive officer. Preside at the regularly scheduled Club meetings. Make any necessary committee appointments. Perform other duties as necessary to conduct the general affairs of the Club.

Vice President: Attend regularly scheduled Club meetings. Make every reasonable effort to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors. Perform the duties of the office of the President if the President is absent or unable to perform those duties. Serve as the chairman of, and coordinate the efforts of the Hamfest Committee.

Secretary: Attend regularly scheduled Club meetings. Make every reasonable effort to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors. Take minutes at all Club meetings and provide copies of the minutes to the membership. Process membership applications and maintain Club membership records.

Treasurer: Attend regularly scheduled Club meetings. Make every reasonable effort to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors. Maintain financial records of the Club. Collect moneys due to and pay moneys owed by the Club. Report on the financial standing of the Club at each regularly scheduled meeting or upon special request. Provide the Club’s financial records in November for the Treasury Review.

Repeater Trustees: Along with Club officers, the Club membership shall elect a Trustee for each repeater the Club sponsors. The Repeater Trustee shall be charged with the maintenance, repair, and day-to-day operation of a specific repeater. In addition, the Trustee will be responsible for seeing that use of the repeater is in compliance with any Club rules as well as federal and state laws. The Trustee is empowered to take any proper action to ensure compliance. The Trustee must notify the membership of any problems or special conditions concerning the repeater and must also appear and make a report at the regularly scheduled Club meetings upon request.

Office Vacancies: A Member of the Board may resign at any time. Any Board Member absent from three (3) meetings during a calendar year shall be subject to removal from the Board. Any Board Member incapable or unwilling to perform the duties of the office held shall be removed from the Board by a majority vote at a regularly scheduled Club meeting. If a Club office is not filled by election at the January meeting, the office shall be considered vacant. The Club President shall fill all Board vacancies by appointment until a proper election can be held at a regularly scheduled Club meeting.


Disposition of Club Funds and Property

Board Spending: Each Member of the Board may spend up to $50.00 per month on incidental and discretionary expenses. Repeater Trustees may spend up to $300.00 per month on expenses necessary for the repair and maintenance of the repeater. If the repair or maintenance to the repeater will cost more than $300.00, an emergency Board Meeting may be called. The Board of Directors may vote to approve the amount needed for the repair. A majority vote of the elected Board Members is needed for this expenditure. This expenditure cannot exceed the balance of the checking account.

Exemption: The Club’s equipment and liability insurance payments and regular monthly utility expenditures shall be exempt from the Repeater Trustee spending limit.

Club Meetings: At any regularly scheduled Club meeting, the Members present can vote to approve expenditures for SSARC functions or for repair of any SSARC repeater. This expenditure cannot exceed the balance of the checking account. A majority vote of Members present at the regularly scheduled Club meeting shall be considered approval for the expenditure.

Special Expenditures:If the Club is considering cashing in any Certificates of Deposit, prior written notification must be given to all voting members. A majority vote of members present at the next regularly scheduled meeting shall be considered approval for the expenditure.

Sale of Club Equipment: If the Club will be considering the sale of any or all of the Club’s equipment, prior written notification must be given to all voting Members. A majority vote of the Members at the next regularly scheduled meeting shall be considered approval of the sale. The Board of Directors will then determine the fair price for the equipment and offer the items for sale, first to Club Members, then to other amateur radio clubs, or to any licensed amateur radio operator. The Club shall not sell any amateur transmitter or transceiver to a person who does not hold a valid amateur radio license.


Dissolution & Disposition of Corporate Assets

The assets of the Club are irrevocably dedicated to charitable, scientific, and educational purposes. Liquidation, dissolution or abandonment of this Club will not inure the assets of the Club to the benefit of any private person, except as to one or more non-profit funds, foundations, corporations or other organizations which at the time of distribution shall have established tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or successor provisions thereto, said beneficiary or beneficiaries to be selected by the Board of Directors.



In addition to the standing Hamfest Committee, and possible Treasury Review Committee, the President may establish and appoint Members to committees as necessary to complete the tasks and goals of the Club.

Hamfest Committee: The Hamfest Committee shall coordinate all efforts concerning the holding of an annual Hamfest. Any expenditure for the Hamfest is subject to the guidelines set forth in these Bylaws.

Treasury Review:A Treasury Review shall be conducted in November of each year to review the financial records of the Club to make sure they are in proper order. A vote of the membership will determine if a qualified professional or committee will perform the review. A committee, if chosen, shall consist of three (3) dues paid Members in good standing that do not serve on the Board of Directors. If the membership votes to use a qualified professional, one shall be selected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.



Regular Club Meetings: Regular Club meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Carnegie Village Meeting Area, 107 Bernard, Belton, MO. The meeting time and place can be changed as needed at the discretion of the majority of the Board of Directors, provided that prior written notice is given to all voting Members a month previous to the next scheduled meeting or a vote is taken at the previous meeting of the Club to change the meeting place and is approved by a majority of the Club Members present. (May 2002)

Regular Board of Director Meetings: Regular Board of Director meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A majority of elected Board Members may conduct all business that may be presented before it.


Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to conduct Club meetings unless otherwise decided by a majority of the Members present. The Members present at a regularly scheduled Club meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting provided that the meeting is called to order by one of the Board Members. The Board of Directors shall decide any rules or procedures not outlined in these Bylaws.



Each of the Club’s officers, directors, employees or agents, whether or not then in office, and their respective executors, administrators, and heirs, and each of the foregoing who is or was serving at the request of the Club as a director or officer of another corporation (including the heirs, executors, administrators or estate of such person) shall be indemnified by the Club as of right to the fullest extent permitted or authorized by law, as not in effect and as hereafter amended, against any liability, judgment, fine, amount paid in settlement, cost and expense (including attorneys’ fees) asserted or threatened against and incurred by such person in his or her capacity, or arising out of his or her status, as a director, officer, employee or agent of the Club, or, if serving at the request of the Club as a director or officer of another corporation, unless the conduct giving rise to said liability is adjudged to have been knowingly fraudulent, deliberately dishonest or willful misconduct. The indemnification provided by this Article shall not be exclusive of any other right to which those indemnified may be entitled under any agreement, vote of disinterested directors or otherwise, and shall not limit in any way any right which the Club may have to make different or further indemnifications with respect to the same or different persons or classes of persons. This indemnification is limited to the extent of insurance the club carries for this purpose.



These Bylaws may be amended, in whole or in part by a majority vote of those present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

After adoption, an amendment to these Bylaws becomes effective immediately, unless the amendment provides otherwise.

Adopted by the General Members pursuant to the procedural requirements of the previous Bylaws on the 17th day of May , 2011 .