Category: News

Hut Hug Part 1

Stage one of the hut maintenance is complete, thanks to all who participated in the event. The next step is repair of the fiberglass which will be followed by an application of paint.   ...

Site update

A rainy day combined with football playoffs is a great day to update the website. Updated the theme to something different and have begun to fix broken links and update the content. Stay tuned...

2016 Field Day Results

Field Day has come to an end for this year.  We had a great time. Thanks to everyone who came out to help set up, visit, and get on the air.  It was an...

2016 SSARC Field Day

Come join us for our 2016 ARRL Field Day on June 25th, 2016 We will be setup at South Metro Fire Station 1, 611 W Foxwood Dr, Raymore, MO 64083. We will be operating...

Special Event Station – April Fools Day

SouthSide Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a Special Event Station “April Fool’s Day, Just Another Day in Peculiar, MO! —————————————————— SouthSide Amateur Radio Club in South Kansas City, MO will be hosting an on...

Hamfest is Saturday!

The SSARC annual hamfest is this Saturday the 18th from 8:00am to 1:00pm! See the hamfest page for more info. Hope to see you there!

Monthly club meeting 7-15-14

Come join us for our Monthly Club Meeting. This coming Tuesday night at 7:00 pm Carnegie Village Meeting Area 107 Bernard Belton MO 64012 (Close to Hi-ways Y and 58 in Belton, MO) We...

Monthly Club Meeting Tonight 6-17-14

SSARC Monthly meeting tonight! We’ll be working on plans for field day which is fast approaching. Tuesday night at 7:00 pm Carnegie Village Meeting Area 107 Bernard Belton MO 64012 (Close to Hi-ways Y...

SSARC Work Nights 5-8-14 and 5-15-14

We will be having two work nights to work on our band pass filters and tri-plexer for field day. Come join in on the fun. Thursday May 8th and Thursday May 15th from 7:00pm...