2023 Hamfest
Many thanks to all who attended and to the generous sponsors. Alpha AntennaAmericas Kansas City Wide RoomAssociated RadioRaytown Amateur Radio ClubRetrocade
Many thanks to all who attended and to the generous sponsors. Alpha AntennaAmericas Kansas City Wide RoomAssociated RadioRaytown Amateur Radio ClubRetrocade
Raytown ARC and SouthSide ARC are combining our efforts this year and are co hosting a fall Hamfest. Full details on the Hamfest page.
For the latest club happenings and member discussions please join the SSARC Groups.io distribution using the subscription tool located on the left side of the website page. Or visit SSARC@groups.io | Home to sign...
All, Given the national trend to reduce interpersonal contact to reduce the overall time this virus is active in the population. I believe it to be a prudent measure to suspend our normally scheduled...
The long-range forecast is looking good! Reservations roster is on the Hamfest page and table layout is below for your convenience. Questions and corrections to info@southsidearc.net Couple of reminders Food and Beverages will not...
Just a little over a week left a couple news items. Tables are sold out. Hidden Transmitter Hunt – Mike Bogard W0MB There will be a hidden transmitter hunt at the hamfest so bring...
The N0HV repeater is available via Hamshack Hotline. Additional details are available here.
The PayPal plumbing is in place and tables may be reserved on the Hamfest page. As I write this there are a little over 22 weeks to go. Jenn and I are working on...
We meet at Casa Mexico in Belton the evening of the 20th and had a very brief business meeting to open the floor for officer nominations. Followed by a quick vote among the assembled...
Off to a wet start which latter turned to snow and wrapped up as a brisk blue-sky day. Good turnout of vendors, sellers and buyers. Raffle winners FTM-200 donated by the Kansas City Wide...
The Kansas City Wide room has donated a Yaesu FTM-200dr as a raffle prize. Proceeds go to the clubs, raffle tickets are a dollar a ticket at the door. Drawing will be held at...
Received the following today. From: Bret Chilcott <BretChilcott@Gmail.com>Subject: Balloon launch with cross-band repeater Message Body:Hello: We are launching a high attitude weather balloon Saturday June 4th at 9:30 AM. It is expected to reach...