AllStar Link
Looking for resources for a new ham in Harrisonville I stumbled across the BlindHub which is available via AllStar, DMR and Fusion. I updated the repeater page with the commands to drive AllStar along...
Looking for resources for a new ham in Harrisonville I stumbled across the BlindHub which is available via AllStar, DMR and Fusion. I updated the repeater page with the commands to drive AllStar along...
The SSARC 147.120 repeater in Raymore can now be heard on the internet. No radio is necessary to monitor repeater traffic. This works on any web browser, or there are apps available for your...
The Echolink node was relocated to the repeater hut some weeks ago, many thanks to Rick W0YGH for hosting the node at his home this past year. As the node is now connected to...
Rick W0YGH has assembled a nice installation guide for Echolink. Enjoy, Jay Echolink Install Guide
Due to a generous donation of an AllStar/Echolink node by Rich W0YGH, the N0HV repeater has inbound Echolink capability. The Echolink node is N0HV-R node number 993190, if you are unfamiliar with Echolink wander...
If you have not already noticed Jim and I upgraded the repeater to the new DR2X on Saturday. The repeater is still setup to receive Fusion C4FM or analog FM with a fixed FM...
The fiberglass vendor recently completed the repairs to the repeater hut. Couple of things to finish when warm weather returns. Thanks to Jerry (W0CLR) for coordinating the on site work with the vendor while...
The Summer Breeze bike ride was held today August 27, 2017. The club repeater was used to coordinate the dozen or so Hams who supported the event. Sustained use such as what occurs during...
The input of the repeater has been switched to Automatic Mode Select (AMS). For more information including instructions on how to take advantage of this feature please visit the N0HV Repeater Page.