Interested in Amateur Radio, and want to join a great group of people?
Then the S.S.A.R.C. is the place for you!

Have questions? Feel free to Contact Us.

Come and meet our members at one of our weekly activities.

For current membership enrollment, please read the information below.


Any person with a sincere interest in amateur radio may become a member of the
Southside  Amateur Radio Club, Inc.


Regular club membership dues are $18.00 per calendar year and are due in January
of each year.

Members renewing their club membership at any time during the year must pay the
yearly  $18.00 membership fee.


Regular member:

A regular member is a licensed amateur radio operator that is a dues paid
member in good standing.  Regular members are entitled to full voting
privileges, receipt of the club newsletter and other publications, participation
in all club activities, use of club radios and test equipment, and access
to repeater user codes.

Family members:

A family member is a licensed amateur radio operator that lives in the household
of a regular member and is a spouse or child of that member.  Family members are
entitled to participate in all club activities, use of club radios and test equipment,
and access to repeater user codes.  If a family member would like voting privileges,
they must pay an additional $10.00 per family, per year, not to be prorated.
A family membership is only valid with the paid dues of a regular member.

Associate member:

An associate member is a dues paid member in good standing who does not hold
an amateur radio license.  Associate members are entitled to full voting privileges,
receipt of the club newsletter and other publications, and participation in all club
activities.  An associate member may not operate a club radio or use a club repeater
unless a licensed amateur radio operator is present at the point of communications
and is serving as a control operator.

After reading the above carefully.

Use the PayPal Join SSARC Button below

Membership type
Please include your call

For more information you can contact the SSARC at: