Remaining 2018 club meetings


With another successful hamfest behind us it is time to shift our focus to the remaining club governance tasks for the year.

Treasury Review – Per the bylaws the annual review shall occur in November either by a committee of three dues paying members or by a qualified professional as voted by the membership. Looking for members to volunteer, if you are willing to contribute a couple of hours to your club please make yourself known.

Officer Nominations – Nominations will be taken at the November and December club meetings. The November meeting will be held November 20th at Minskys in Raymore starting at 6pm.

Officer Elections – Will be held at the December club meeting to be held Tuesday December 18th at Miniskys in Raymore starting at 6pm.

812 W Foxwood Drive
Raymore, MO 64083

73 de Jay KE0U

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