Mark you calendar – Presidents Day Special Event Station
The Southside Amateur Radio club will be operating a Presidents Day Amateur Radio special event station. Beginning at 12:00 noon Saturday 18 February 2017 with continuous operation until 12:00 noon 19 February 2017 at the Belton Fire Station East located at 16300 N Mullen Rd, Belton Missouri 64012.
The event, which is open to the public, is used by the club for field operations practice. During the event, the members will operate in the field and will test their radios, antennas and operating skills by making local and distant contacts over a 24 hour period.
Have an interest in Amateur Radio or just curious? Stop by members will be available to answer questions.
What: SSARC Presidents Day special event Amateur Radio station
Where: Belton Fire Station East located at 16300 N Mullen Rd, Belton Missouri 64012.
When: 12:00 noon 18 February 2017 to 12:00 noon 19 February 2017
Why: Because we can