2014 is here!
2014 is here! We hope your holidays were great and you got lots of neat ham radio gear.
There are a lot of things happening this year. Be sure to stay up to date with SSARC events. Big events this year include Field day and our Annual Hamfest. Be sure to be on the lookout for other events as well.
We’ll be sure to post info via facebook, twitter, email, and this site regarding upcoming events.
We invite you to come visit SSARC and get involved in ham radio. We always welcome new members!
If you are new to ham radio and are wanting to get your license, be sure to check out this page for more info on how to obtain your first license and start getting on the air.
If you want to be added to the email distribution list, send an email to Derek at kd0rsw@gmail.com and he will get you added.
We hope your 2014 year is a great one.