SSARC October Hamfest!
SSARC October Hamfest
SSARC October Hamfest
Saturday October 20, 2012 8:00am – 1:00pm
St. Sabina Catholic Church Gym
700 Trevis Ave (MO. Hwy 58)
Belton, MO
Door Prizes! $150 – $100 – $50
You need not be present to win cash prizes.
Vendor Access as early as 6:00am.
Tickets $4.00 each at door or 3 for $7.00 advance.
Trader Tables $17.00 each – Includes 3 tickets.
Reserve Tables in Advance
Tables assignes as Payment is received.
Table Reservations and Advance Tickets SASE to:
P.O. Box 701
Grandview, MO 64030
License Testing
Testing by W5YI starts at 9:00am and runs
until 10:30am. Test fee is $14 -correct
amount would be appreciated. If upgrading
bring your original license so testers
can see AND A COPY to leave with your paperwork.
Talk-In on the 147.12+ Tone 151.4
Raymore Repeater
For more info:
Food and Concessions provided by Belton
Boy Scout Troop 111.
From US-71take the 163rd St./Y Hwy exit. Turn West onto Y Hwy and travel approximately 1 mile to the intersection of 58 Hwy and Y Hwy. Turn right onto 58 Hwy (also called North Avenue) and travel 1/2 mile. At the 58-Hwy Connect Stop Light, turn left. Go across the railroad tracks and straight through the stop light at the intersection of Scott and 58 Hwy. Continue west on 58 Hwy through 3 roundabouts. Our driveway is the first right after the 3rd roundabout.