Club events cancelled Covid-19
All, Given the national trend to reduce interpersonal contact to reduce the overall time this virus is active in the population. I believe it to be a prudent measure to suspend our normally scheduled...
All, Given the national trend to reduce interpersonal contact to reduce the overall time this virus is active in the population. I believe it to be a prudent measure to suspend our normally scheduled...
Time for the mid year business meeting and as the agenda is expected to be light. We can still meet for Pizza and get through the business agenda. Hope to see you there.
With Field Day less than a month away I pulled the club generator from storage for a test run. While it started it was not happy was running lean and missing, the fuel gauge...
We had a good turnout at Minsky’s on the 15th. As there was a lot of interest in the ZumSpot I brought for show and tell. This is a high level follow up of...
My fellow members, As the end of 2018 grows near, we have as a body just a single task to complete. Annual officer elections which per our bylaws will elect a new President, Vice...
The new year is rapidly approaching, again it is time for membership renewal. For existing members renewals are $15 for an individual and $25 for a family until January 1st 2019. After the first...
All, With another successful hamfest behind us it is time to shift our focus to the remaining club governance tasks for the year. Treasury Review – Per the bylaws the annual review shall occur...
Tuesday October 16th 7pm-8pm Carnegie Village 107 Bernard Dr Belton, MO 64012 We meet upstairs upstairs in the main building. A short agenda for the evening. Spending approval before the membership to renew website...
The August meeting will be held Tuesday the 21st at Minsky’s Pizza in Raymore MO beginning at 6pm This is primarily a social gathering no business meeting will be held. Have a new radio...