Author: Webmaster

Hamfest Raffle

The Kansas City Wide room has donated a Yaesu FTM-200dr as a raffle prize. Proceeds go to the clubs, raffle tickets are a dollar a ticket at the door. Drawing will be held at...

2022 Hamfest

Raytown ARC and SouthSide ARC are combining our efforts this year and are co hosting a fall Hamfest. Full details on the Hamfest page.

High Altitude Balloon

Received the following today. From: Bret Chilcott <>Subject: Balloon launch with cross-band repeater Message Body:Hello: We are launching a high attitude weather balloon Saturday June 4th at 9:30 AM.  It is expected to reach...

Club email list

For the latest club happenings and member discussions please join the SSARC distribution using the subscription tool located on the left side of the website page. Or visit | Home to sign...

AllStar Link

Looking for resources for a new ham in Harrisonville I stumbled across the BlindHub which is available via AllStar, DMR and Fusion. I updated the repeater page with the commands to drive AllStar along...

2021 Hamfest canceled

Several have enquired as to if the club will be hosting a Hamfest in 2021. No plans for 2021 and we look forward to resuming the event in 2022.

Resumption of in person activities

The club has resumed some in person activities, Saturday breakfast and the third Tuesday of the month evening gathering. The club will not be hosting a hamfest in 2021. Recommend joining the clubs

W0CLR Pre Estate Sale

PRE-Estate Sale (Hi) These are offered to SSARC members until Jan 22nd, then they will be posted on Larry’s List 1 – Tri-Ex W51 Crank up/Tilt over tower, specs at Tashtowers.com1 – B&W Folded...

Membership Renewal Special

Individual and family renewals made in the last quarter of the year are discounted $3. And are payable via Paypal or a check via snail mail. While the Pandemic has put a kink in...